Learning beyond the classroom!

At Braintcroft we value the importance of learning beyond the classroom. As such we offer a range of rich and broad activities which enable our pupils to learn and practise skills which will prepare them for later life.

Education at Braintcroft is more than just mastering English and maths – it is also about activities that extend children’s learning through new experiences and opportunities. Enrichment such as school trips, sports days and after-school clubs are an important part of our children’s education, giving them new experiences, extending their learning, and making school life more fun. We value the importance of learning beyond the classroom and offer a range of rich and broad activities which enable our pupils to learn and practise skills which will allow them to make greater progress, achieve greater outcomes and prepare them for later life.

We provide a range of opportunities for visitors to visit our Academy for events like Careers Week, World Book Day, Science Week, Black History Month, Religious Festivals and different national celebrations or workshops linked to their learning. Our children also go on educational visits outside of the Academy to broaden their experience and knowledge of topics studied via their global curriculum.

In the summer term, we also offer a residential visit to all our year 5 pupils on the Isle of Wight, where they experience water sports. This provides them with an opportunity to learn new physical skills as well as valuable life lessons, such as adapting to a new environment and being away from home.

We also visit different places of worship throughout the school; providing pupils with opportunities to see how different religions and faiths worship, this develops respect for all faiths and for those without religious faith.

Extra- Curricular Activities

Throughout the year we offer extra-curricular activities for all children including sports activities, creative activities; from the arts to crafts.

All children have the opportunity to take part in clubs throughout the year, some clubs are seasonal and change each term, we will update our timetable accordingly. Our strong curriculum and extra-curricular offer helped us gain the AFPE Quality Mark in 2014 and be reaccredited in December 2017 for a period of three years. We have also successfully gained School Games Awards.

The following extra-curricular activities are being offered this term:

Day Lunchtime After school
Monday KS2 rotation- Football, Table Tennis or Basketball.


Tuesday KS2 rotation- Football, Table Tennis or Basketball.

KS1- Multi Skills

KS1 Football

KS1 Dance

Wednesday KS2 rotation- Football, Table Tennis or Basketball.


Y3/4 Football

KS2 Multi Skills

Thursday KS2 rotation- Football, Table Tennis or Basketball.

KS2- Dodgeball

Y5/6 Football
Friday KS2 rotation- Football, Table Tennis or Basketball.






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