In Year admissions

Have you just moved to the area or want to change your child’s school? Here is the information you need to know for in-year admissions.

In year applications

All parents/carers who wish to apply for a place at any time in the year will need to contact the Council directly. The council will liaise with you about a place and will contact you with the outcome of your application.

You can submit your application directly to the council via click here. Please contact them directly to check your child’s position on the waiting list.

Offers are made to the number of places available. If there are more applications than places, then places are allocated according to the oversubscription criteria. This applies to in-year applications for each year group.

Please note:

When you apply for a school place, you must have parental responsibility for the child and submit evidence to show that you and your child live at the address you have stated on your application, even if you have been placed in temporary accommodation. You also have to provide evidence showing your child’s date of birth. Please note that you may be asked for further proof if applying under medical/social needs etc. You will be placed on the waiting list and places will be allocated as they become available and prioritised according to our over subscription criteria.

The purpose of the Fair Access Protocol (FAP) is to ensure that, outside the normal admissions round, unplaced children who fall into the specified categories are offered a place quickly, so that the amount of time any child, especially the most vulnerable, who remains out of education is kept to a minimum. The FAP will only be used once the In-Year admissions process has been exhausted.

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In Year Admissions