English writing


At Braintcroft we use a core text approach to writing based on quality children’s literature. It is our firm belief that writing, when implemented closely alongside reading, underpins all learning within the curriculum. We strive for our children to be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and vocabulary to be able to communicate through writing in all aspects of their lives as we aim to ignite a passion for writing. 

A well-chosen text provides rich language models and structures from which children can learn how writing works and the effect it can have on a reader. Our core texts are chosen so that they are rich in vocabulary and enable children to comprehend beyond their own reading fluency level as well as securing the expectations of the national curriculum. Our core texts are linked to our global themes which help pupils make connections across the curriculum and help them understand complex global issues. We have ensured that our diverse school community see themselves represented within the books they study and that the texts also allow them a window into the world of others.  

With the majority of our pupils having English as an additional language reading the text enhances pupils’ writing skills, for example word phrases and sentence structures. This approach allows them to understand new vocabulary and complex writing patterns. Writing is a complicated and intricate process – and if we enable our pupils to become writers we give them a voice, supported them to communicate and provided them with a skill that is vital for all of their schooling and their future as a global citizen. 


Our writing process is made up of four phases. 

  • Phase 1 Immersion (Vocabulary, genre features and oracy) 
  • Phase 2 Planning  
  • Phase 3 Draft/Write 
  • Phase 4 Revise/Edit/Publish  

Our writing cycle is followed with the first sessions immersing our students fully with the class text, specifically exploring vocabulary and how it is used by the author. Children will then look at exemplar writing examples in the style of the focus genre, relating to the class text. Here, they will explore features and the approach to writing the focus genre. In other sessions of the writing cycle, children will be encouraged to plan and write independently. During these sessions, they will be introduced to a wide range of vocabulary and work at securing their knowledge and understanding of English grammar. They will learn to apply their phonic and spelling rule knowledge to ensure they are effective spellings.  


Our overall aim of our writing curriculum is for children to be independent writers who are confident and able to use transferrable skills within and across different genres of writing. We aim for our pupils to develop a love of writing and to continue to improve their key writing skills and communicate as global citizens

Writing HLP

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