20 April 2020


Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: Virtual Learning School Launch

We are pleased to announce to you that there is a new link on our school website called ‘Virtual School’ here you will find the information that will explain in more detail what we asking from you. The guidance will also give you an outline of what the teachers will be doing.

We have made sure that our SEND and EAL children will be fully supported so please do look at this section on the website. The children will be delighted to see videos, with Miss Mills, Mrs Sharif and Miss Charlott on the Learning Zone. Ms Akande will be keeping in touch on ‘Learning Village’ so remember to read her comments.

I have already had conversations with those families who have already joined Class dojo. If you haven’t activated your child’s ‘Class dojo’ we ask that you do this as the teachers will be interacting with you through this as well as our calls home.

We know that all of our families are feeling anxious at this time and we want to do our best to continue to support you.  As you know this is a new way of working for all of us.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Ms Sandra White

Virtual School Launch letter – 20 April 2020



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Useful information
Virtual School Launch letter