The staff at Braintcroft E-ACT Primary Academy value the safety of our pupils. We hold regular training sessions to ensure the whole staff are aware of the latest government initiatives.

We are very pro-active in our approach, and hope this information will help you keep your children safe too. Our goal is to work in partnership with you to keep pupils safe.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare.

We will ensure that concerns about our children are discussed with parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move will result in further harm to the child.

If you have any questions please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)- Mr Akeem Edwards


We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Why is child protection important?

All children have a right to protection against abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence and many organisations have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. A successful approach requires multi-agency collaboration and a recognition of child well-being at the heart of what we do.

What is the difference between child protection and safeguarding?

Safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of children, is a broader term than child protection. It encompasses protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health or development, and ensures children grow up in safe circumstances.

Child protection is part of this definition and refers to activities undertaken to prevent children suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.

Child Protection

Child Protection and Safeguarding are a priority to everyone at Braintcroft E-ACT Primary Academy.

  • If it is felt that any child is at risk in any way the Designated Person and Deputy Designated Person will take the necessary action.
  • In the reception area and around the academy there are posters which show photographs of members of staff who are Designated Persons as well as our E-ACT System Leader for London & Buckinghamshire, Owen Walters who is responsible for Safeguarding and Attendance.

If you have any worries or concerns that a child is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed, or if you receive a disclosure, please contact:

  • Mr A Edwards(Assistant Headteacher  and Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mrs A Rosewell (Headteacher and DDSL)
  • Any other adult within the academy who will report your concern – 0208 452 2413 – 07856 927 404

All Designated persons have up to date training and it is their duty to take necessary action depending upon the information shared with them.

Our Safeguarding Team:

Mini leads:

  • SLT Attendance Lead​ – Mr. Edwards
  • Designated Teacher LAC/PLAC​ –  Mr. Edwards
  • Preventing Radicalisation (SPOC)​ – Mr. Edwards
  • Child on Child Abuse​ – Mr. Edwards
  • Children Missing Education (CME) –​ Mrs. Saleh
  • Mental Health​ – Ms. Beckett
  • Online Safety​ – Ms. Trenado
  • Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI)​ – Mr. Edwards
  • Attendance – Mrs. Saleh
  • FGM​ –  Mrs. Saleh
  • Modified Curriculum Plans (MCP)​ – Mrs. Zeqiri / Mr Edwards
  • Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC)​ – Ms. Cyrus / Mr. Carter
  • Academy SCR Lead – Mrs. Rosewell / Ms. Boaye



At Braintcroft E-ACT Primary Academy our first priority is always the child and their welfare is paramount to us.

On rare occasions when a child is at risk it may be necessary to consult with other agencies prior to contacting parents.

The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Brent Safeguarding Children’s Board. All members of staff have had at least Level 1 Safeguarding training and have regular training on safeguarding throughout the year.

Staff are required to read and sign all necessary policies related to safeguarding.

Please feel reassured that confidentiality at all times is imperative. Any information shared will be treated sensitively and with confidentiality.


key contacts

Police: 999 (Immediate risk)

First Response: 111

Brent Family Front Door: 0208 937 4300

Prevent: 0208 937 4300

NSPCC: 08005008000

ChildLine: 08001111


useful links

NSPCC works to support children and young people across the UK. They have a helpline and a range of websites that offer interactive advice and support. – – 08001111 (Freephone)

Childline is the UK’s free 24 – hour helpline for children in distress. Trained volunteer counsellors comfort, advise and protect children and young people who may feel they have nowhere else to turn.


Bullying/Peer on Peer/Equality


Anti-bullying Alliance

Stand Up To Bullying


Domestic Abuse

Women’s Aid


Men’s Advice Line

The Hide Out



Brent Safeguarding Partnerships FGM

The National FGM Centre


Mental Health

Kids Health – Information and advice about many health and growing – up worries, separation, divorce and emotions and behaviours raised by these life changes.

Young Minds focus on mental health issues of children and young people, recognising that many children and young people have troublesome worries and fears.



Prevent & Counter Terrorism

Brent Prevent

Action Counters Terrorism


Online Safety

Child Net

Internet Matters

Safer Internet

Net Aware

Stop Cyber Bullying


Click the link below for more information:

We recommend
Useful information