Ammolite Class – Miss F Aden

Garnet Class – Ms S McIntyre

Zircon Class – Mrs L Miezou

Teaching Assistant: Mr J Roberts

During this year, the children in Year 4 will be learning a wide range of skills, covered through the teaching of both core and foundation subjects. There are also specialist teachers who provide our children with weekly lessons in Music, PE and Spanish.

The Year 4 school day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:15 pm Monday – Friday.

Year 4 Staff welcome the children into the classrooms each morning at 8:30 am. If parents/carers wish to contact the teachers please message via ClassDojo.

At the end of each day, the teachers will dismiss the pupils from the KS2 playground. The new timetable will be shared with all parents and carers on ClassDojo.

Home learning will be given every Monday and will be due in Thursday. The homework (one piece of Maths and one piece of English and Handwriting and Science) will be uploaded onto ClassDojo on Mondays along with weekly spellings, and should be completed online by the following Monday. Homework is NOT returned to school.

Our curriculum and home learning have been developed to help the children recover from time lost due to Covid-19. Your support in completing home learning tasks will hugely benefit your child.

PE, Music & Spanish

The children will have a specialist lesson each Monday.

When your child has PE, please ensure they come to school in their PE kit with their uniform in their bags.

Reading Records

Your child will be either using the digital platform or we will provide your child with a reading record and reading books for them to take

home and share with parents/carers. Your child should read and answer questions about their reading each night. They can record this independently in their reading record. Children should bring their reading record in every day; or digitally record on Reading Padlet (even if they have not finished their book) so that we can check progress. Our class book corner has a range of genres accessible for all readers which children can choose from.

Please can you listen to your child read every night, write a comment about what they have read, sign and date it if your child is not using the digital platform.

Each Friday, we pick two children from each class to receive star awards who are awarded these in a whole-school assembly. Children score house points for fantastic learning and good choices (we find out which house has the most points on Fridays).

English and Maths lesson starters are in our early starter sessions and in the afternoons, we have a range of lessons such as Science, Geography, Art, Music, RE, PE, Computing, History and DT. You can see our Term timetable attached on our class pages on ClassDojo. Please be advised that this can be subject to change.

We will attend at least 3 trips a term as part of our curriculum enrichment in the academic year

Year 4 will be practicing their multiplication from the beginning of Autumn term onwards in preparation for the multiplication check which takes place later in the year. Information on how you can support this practise at home will be shared soon.






Discovery Education


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Year 4