Amber Class – Class Teacher – Ms C Trejo

Coral Class – Class Teacher – Ms C Hirani

Ruby Class – Class Teacher – Ms C Kuforiji

Teaching Assistant –  Ms F Bahdoon – – Ms J Sathiyakumar – Ms N Acharya

The Reception school day begins at 8:40 am and ends at 3:15 pm Monday -Friday.

Reception Staff will be out in the playground each morning at 8:30am ready to greet the children.

Our Reception day

Every morning in Reception, we have a ‘Good Morning’ carpet session that focuses specifically on developing the children’s Communication and Language knowledge and skills. This is followed by daily Phonics sessions that support the development of early Reading knowledge and skills.

The children are then able to select their own learning during our continuous provision. Our learning environment is organised into the different areas which provide the children with opportunities for child initiated learning both indoors and outdoors. Our environments are set up specifically, to enable the children to demonstrate what they know and can do; whilst also encouraging challenge through learning. Children also have free access to a snack and milk or water.

The morning sessions in Reception focuses primarily on Literacy and Mathematics areas of learning. Our afternoon sessions, are generally more creative and encourage the children to explore a range of media, materials, imaginative play and engage with the world around them.

Throughout the week, we focus on all aspects of the Early Years Curriculum through Adult Directed/Supported learning activities, to ensure the children receive a full range of experiences.

The Prime Areas of learning, which include: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language run seamlessly throughout our setting in all aspects of teaching and learning, they are at the heart of all that we do.


Every child will be reading with a member of the Reception team. The children must bring their book bags to school every day. We do send home a reading diary at the beginning of the year and encourage parents to fill these in each time they read with their child. Staff also complete these diaries, informing parents of how their child reads and what next steps to use to support reading progress.

At Braintcroft E-ACT we create online learning journals for each child within our setting. Throughout Reception, children’s achievements are recorded using an online tool called ‘Tapestry’ where we upload the progress children are making in class through statements and photographs. https://tapestryjournal.com/s/braintcroft-e-act-primary-academy


PE takes place every Thursday for Reception.

Children are to come into school wearing their full PE kits.

Parent Workshops

Each half term in Nursery and Reception, we will invite you to join us for a Parent Workshop.

Useful EYFS parent websites to support early learning and development https://www.birthto5matters.org.uk/ https://foundationyears.org.uk/useful-links/ https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ https://www.easypeasyapp.com/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbxby9q https://www.purplemash.com/ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/counti https://ican.org.uk/a-message-to-our-supporters-on-coronavirus/activities-to-develop-speaking-and-listening-skills/



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Useful information
Early Years Reception