Admissions Arrangements

Welcome to Braintcroft AcademY

Please watch our Welcome video

Our academy is part of E-ACT, a multi-academy trust.

E-ACT is the Admissions Authority for the academy and has a planned admission number (PAN) in nursery for 80 and Reception for 90.

Take a look at our prospectus:

Nursery Admission

Parents applying for a place at the Nursery can do so by collecting an application form from the school office

Regrettably, admission to the Nursery does not guarantee a reception year place at the academy. A separate application for a place in Reception needs to be made to Brent Council.

Reception Admission

All parents whose children have a place in our Nursery (September 2023) must apply for a reception place for September 2024 before the closing date on 15th January 2024. 

There is no automatic transfer from nursery to reception, and you must apply before the closing date.

Parents/Carers should be aware that they must apply for a nursery place even if there is a sibling already in the academy. The demand for places means that late applications may miss out on a place at the academy.

Offers are made to the number of places available. If there are more applications than places, then places are allocated according to the oversubscription criteria. This applies to in-year applications for each year group.

Applying for your child’s school place should be hassle free. We have put together key information to help you with your application process. We look forward to hearing from you to have a tour of our academy.

Please get in touch to book a personal tour or details on our open events via our contact us page

How do I apply for a Place at Reception?

To apply for a place at the Academy you need to complete a ‘Common Application form’ via the Council’s website. The easiest way to complete the application is online, see the link below to start your application:

eAdmissions Application link: click here

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024 

For further information, about the admissions process, criteria and appeals, please visit Brent Admissions.

What happens after I have submitted our choices?

Once you have submitted your choices to the council, your formal offer of a place will come from the council who will write to parents/carers on National Offer Day allocating a single school to your child.

Once you have received your formal offer of a place we will also require you to complete our application form, which can be collected from our school office

Key Dates for September 2023 – 2024 Primary Admissions

Here are key dates about the admissions process:

  • 1 September 2023 – Applications open
  • 15 January 2024 –  Applications deadline
  • 17 April 2024 – National offer day
  • 2 May 2024 – Response deadline

Second round of offers

  • 2 May 2024 – Deadline for applications and changes
  • Week ending 12 May 2024 – Second round of offers are made
  • 19 May 2024 – Second round response deadline

Third round of offers

  • 19 May 2024 – Deadline for applications and changes
  • Week ending 16 June 2024 – Third round offers
  • 23 June 2024 – Third round response deadline
  • September 2024 – Children start school

 Submit your application on time!

Any forms received after 15 January 2024 will be deemed late and will not be processed until after 19 April (Primary), when offers have been generated for ‘on time’ applications.

In-Year applications

More information

Admission Arrangements for Pupils with Special Educational Needs

  • Parents inform the academy via the Brent’s Application Form. The Special Needs Co-ordinator is alerted and if the child has a Statement a formal meeting is set up with the parent, headteacher and Special Needs Co-ordinator to discuss if the academy can meet the needs of the child.
  • Resource implications are discussed – both staffing and equipment.
  • The Special Needs Co-ordinator from the previous school is contacted
  • The child is discussed and his or her SEN records are requested.
  • Liaison with outside agencies takes place and the class teacher is consulted.
  • An individual education plan is put in place on admittance.

Admission Arrangements for Pupils with Disabilities

  • Doorways are wide enough to allow wheelchair access.
  • The parent informs the academy via Brent’s Admission form.
  • The SENDCO is informed by SENAS (Special educational needs assessment service) if a child has a Statement. A formal meeting is set up with the parent and the SENDCO, to discuss whether the academy is able to meet the child’s needs.
  • The Special Needs Co-ordinator attends regular training which she cascades to other members of staff through INSETs. Staff also attend a range of courses to ensure that they have the expertise to support the pupils in their care.

Admission Arrangements

Admission Arrangements 2025 – 2026

Admission Arrangements 2024 – 2025

Admission Arrangements 2023 – 2024


E-ACT Supplementary Information Form 2025 – 2026

E-ACT Supplementary Information Form 2024 – 2025



over subscription criteria for 2023 – 2024

Once places have been allocated to children with an Educational and Health Care Plan, if there are more applicants than places as set out in the stated PAN, then the following oversubscription criteria for admissions will be used, in the following order:

Criterion 1: A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously ‘looked after’ but immediately after being  ‘looked after’, became the subject of an adoption, residence order or special guardianship order.

Criterion 2: Exceptional and Compelling Medical, Psychological, Social or Special Access Reasons which can only be met at the Academy. It is important that additional evidence is required in respect of this  Please note that a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) must be completed for an application under this criterion within the timescales for the point of entry required.

Criterion 3: Siblings of pupils currently on the roll at the Academy at the time of application for the proposed admission of the applicant.

Criterion 4: Children who at the time of the application are eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium, the Pupil Premium or the Service Pupil Premium. Please note that a SIF form must be completed for an application under this criterion within the timescales for the point of entry required.

Criterion 5: Children whose parent/carer is a member of staff who has either been continuously employed at the Academy for two (2) or more years at the time of application for a place or has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Please note that a SIF form must be completed for an application under this criterion within the timescales for the point of entry required.

Criterion 6: Any other applications of which priority of placement will be given to children who live nearest to the Academy (including if this address is with a parent/carer with shared responsibility for the child or not). The child’s home address will be the child’s permanent place of residency and must not be a business address, or the address of a relative or carer, unless they have legal custody of the child. Applications must only be made from a single address.



Appeals are dealt with through Brent Council.  Information about this can be found here:

Appeals Brent Council

You can find the Department of Education School Admissions Appeals Code here.


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Useful information
Admissions arrangements