E-ACT is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity in line with the Equality Act 2010. E-ACT seeks to reduce disadvantages, discrimination, and inequalities of opportunity, and promote diversity in terms of its students, workforce, and the communities it serves. Unlawful discrimination and harassment of any member of the Trust, both in our national and regional teams and our academy communities is expressly prohibited. E-ACT is committed to protecting all pupils/students/staff and prospective staff from unlawful discrimination and harassment.

Braintcroft E-ACT Primary Academy welcomes staff, workers, volunteers, pupils, parents, applicants and trustees from all different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. The Academy provides for pupils of different abilities and who are wholly or mainly drawn from the area in which the Academy is situated. The term Academy Community includes staff (academy, regional and national), trustees, pupils, parents, visitors and volunteers.

The Academy recognises the benefits of having a diverse Academy Community, with individuals who value one another, and the different contributions everyone can make. Pupils will be taught to value and respect others. The Academy is committed to being an equal opportunities education provider and is committed to equality of opportunity for all members of the Academy Community. In the provision of equal opportunities, the Academy recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the law and opposes discrimination on the basis of the protected characteristics:

  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief (including lack of religion or belief)
  • gender
  • sexual orientation and (in the case of adult members of the Academy Community)
  • marital or civil partnership status; and
  • age

The Academy also opposes all bullying and unlawful discrimination on the basis that a person has a special educational need or learning difficulty, or because English is an additional language.


Further Information can be found in the following policies:

We demonstrate our compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) through our equality objectives.

We recommend
Useful information
Equality Objectives